Friday starts our annual quilt guild retreat. I've decided not to do the mystery quilt this year. The fabric requirements are 240 7"x 1.75" strips, half in dark fabric, half light. I dunno, seems like too much cutting to me. I still have last year's mystery project to finish. That was the one I lead. I had prepared all the examples and just never put it together in the end.
I've been wandering around lately without a plan, without a clue, too, but mostly without a quilting plan. I have several unfinished projects that need my attention but nothing is really drawing me in, calling my name, wanting to be finished. I think that's why I'm having a hard time getting ready for the retreat. I don't know what to pack, I don't know what to take to work on, and I don't know what I want to finish.
I've glanced at my to-do list over there in the sidebar of my blog for inspiration, so maybe I'll start there when I pack. I have a long-standing list in my Palm, too, of things I take to the retreat center every year so I don't forget supplies, but I always manage to forget to put something on the list. I hate over-packing, it's just too much to carry in from the car and back, but I hate not having all that I might need. You never know when inspiration might strike and when it does you don't want to not have that perfect bit of fabric because it's a home.
Maybe I'll pack lightly and just take a couple books and knitting to my quilt retreat.
Notes on Other Topics
Thank you, Greeny for reminding us "Dame" is the female equivalent of "Sir" for being knighted. so, may I present to you: her royal knightress, Dame AM Kingsfield! TaDa!
Dame AM has my kids today since school is closed because of election day, proving her well deserved knightressness.
Just Me commented to me about me being in front of computers all the time and being anti-technology. To that I remind folks there is a big difference between a computer user and a computer programmer.
I'd like to post replies in the comments, do you go back and look? Are you used to that? Should I start?
OK, that's settled. I'll start posting comments, and you'll have to look back for my answer.
The card is very pretty. If I hadn't seen it, FWA would probably have forgotten her birthday. Glad I saw it.
Beautiful card.
I can certainly see a quilter at work there.
FFN- Thanks, I'm glad I could keep the little guy out of trouble.
Iamnot, thanks, I enjoy making these, they are fast and I can finish quickly.
I think posting replies to comments in the comments section is a good idea. AM does it on her singles blog, and I find it adds to the thread.
Wow, I'm lucky if I make it to the card store to find a good commercial card. She better appreciate that card!
I don't have a "To-Do" list anymore. Now I just keep a "Shoulda done" list. It's easier to keep track of.
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