Monday after our meetings my collegue and I checked out the Lake area west of town and walked around Lake Calhoun and Lake of the Isles.
Metrodome at sunset.
I was looking for 15th. Oops, maybe I went a little too far.
I found a cool yarn shop a few blocks from the hotel called Depth of Field. I bought two balls of yarn made of corn fiber! It's called 'Maizy' and is very soft and cotton-y. I haven't knitted in a while, but I bought them anyway. I also found a quilt shop and had to get some fabric. On the flight back I got my checkbook caught up, verifying statements from back to January. I just need to get all the recent items since the last statement accounted for. I'm so bad at balancing my checkbook. I mean, I can do the math, it's just that I'll go through spurts of keeping it ultra balanced and then periods of six to eight months of not. It's the check card purchases that do me in, I never remember to log them.
I came back home to progress in the kitchen. We now have a working dishwasher, sink and faucet (Yay!), and the backsplash tile has been put up. for the most part it looks OK, but some of the seams between sheets are too wide and it looks like an amateur put it up. It's going to bug me, but I don't know what to do about it. Oh, and the dishwasher won't open fully, or if it does, the drawer beside it doesn't. Sheesh.
Banks rely on people forgetting about so-called bank card micro-purchases. Then they slap you with huge overdraft charges.
Looking at that missing bridge photo is chilling - a reminder of the fragility of life.
Other pictures make Minneapolis look like a beautiful place. i especially like the sculpture.
At least the bridge did have metal rebar in it. That one that collapsed in China didn't even have any. Yikes!
Balancing a checkbook? I haven't done that since about 1989. These days I just peruse the purchases online to be sure I made them, glance at the balance, and pay everthing online. About the only check I ever write is for pizza delivery!
What Mom said about the bridge. And the sculpture.
I haven't balanced my checkbook for a couple of months but I check my balance on line every once in a while to see if the bank thinks I have as much money as I do. A little risky, but then, I like living on the edge like that.
I follow varient's & Lorraine's methods in banking.
I'm always amazed by the lack of permanence I find in things I thought were permanent.
Sorry about the tile. That's not as permanent as you might think.
Hi Anne,
Glad to hear that your kitchen is looking like it might come together: if the seams are wrong on the counters, you might try calling the folks who installed them -- we had our installers out a couple of times (since our sink fell out a week after installation!) and they were happy to make everything right for us! And then about 6 months later, the seam caulking came away from the backsplash, and again, they sent someone out to fix it a day or two later.
Good luck with it!
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