You either have to sew the pocket closed or take the pocket off.
I've mentioned before about me sewing badges for Girl Scouts. Now the word is starting to get out to moms of Boy Scouts and I've gotten five Boys' jobs in the last couple weeks. The Boys have a lot of stuff on their sleeves, which are a pain to work with so I charge $2/patch instead of the base price I charge the girls of $1/patch.
BSA has a new uniform shirt, created for for today's guy. They've put a "technology" pocket on the sleeve, complete with an earphone cord eyelet. Well, that's real sweet, very forward thinking, really, but dumb as a box of rocks. This "technology" pocket is gusseted and is on the left sleeve, where a position patch goes, like a patrol leader patch or a scoutmaster patch.
Did I forget to mention these Boys' patches don't iron on? The Girls' patches iron on, granted, they don't stick well if you don't follow the directions, which is the reason I have created this little service in the first place, but they do iron on. I typically iron-on the girl's patch, then sew around it so it stays after washing.
I can't do that with these stupid pockets. Who thought of that, anyway! Oh, yeah, Boys.
My friend told me the Boys do have stuff called 'Badge Magic' for placing patches on pockets. I told a mom I could have her son's shirt ready by Thursday. I wonder if I can find this stuff by then? Where do I even look?
In the mean time, I have a pocket full of checks from moms who pay me to do this service for them, it's a nice way to get a little play money, so I can't complain too much. But still, patches on pockets? Really?
Post script: Badge Magic is a mail-order thing and not very cheap. I'll stop at the craft store on the way home and get some washable permanent fabric glue for less than ½ the price.

When my guys were in Boy Scouts I used stuff I got at the fabric store. I think it was called fusible webbing. It was still hard to sew stuff on the pockets but it held it in place. I did it all by hand stitching.
My solution? Paying extra and just buying a finished garment...
How about some super glue??? I would definitely super glue it. LOL!! What's wrong with this idea?
people are too lazy to sew on a patch? Crazy!! I would just hand sew it like Maureen. No biggie. I sew up their stuffed animals too.
I always just used a couple of pins and a needle and thread. Obviously a seamstress did not design this garment.
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