Kevin was up past 3:00 Saturday night.
And let us know about it.
Sometime after 2:00 I promised him Five Guys after church if he'd just go to bed. Eventually he did.
I knew he'd take a nap when we got home from Five Guys which would then push his bed time back to some ungodly hour, again. I hate that.
Time for a preemptive strike. I camped out on my bed, where he like to take his naps, and attacked the backlog of laundry, matching socks and stacking underwear, while watching episodes of Lost on DVD. Every once in a while I'd hand him a stack of something to put away and he finally gave up on the nap idea and played computer games, instead.
I started at the beginning of season one of Lost since I hadn't seen it in a while. If you keep up with the show, you know we've learned things this season that blow "normal" TV out of the water. If the series hadn't done that already. So yesterday, I watched the first five or six episodes and I noticed that all those early comments, seemingly innocent at the time, have deeper meanings and are clues for the future. It's just like reading all the Harry Potter books over again after you've learned the end of the story and all those clues Harry and gang glossed over in the early years pop out at you like someone took a highlighter and marked up your books.
I started to head downstairs around dinner time but got shooed back up. I was served surf and turf dinner "in bed" and then I finally came downstairs for real to watch the Survivor finale at 8:00.
Kevin did have somewhat of a normal bed time, about 11:30, so the strategy worked for the most part. And, this is the bonus part, he won't (oughtn't) have that domino effect tonight and take a nap as soon as he gets home from after-care. He's off to high school in the fall and they have a start time of 7:30 which means he'll have to get up an hour earlier. Yikes. We'll have all summer to practice getting up early, right?
1 month ago
E - who is NOT a morning person - was worried about getting up early for HS this year. But after a few weeks she adjusted. However, she usually goes to bed around 10:15, thereby getting 8 hours' sleep.
She is frequently tired by Thurs, but catches up on the weekend. (Not by much, but at least she doesn't have to be up at 6:15!
Maybe you should start moving up K's bedtime gradually about 3-4 weeks before school starts. Just a thought...
I plan on trying to get Kevin ready for day camp at 7:00. So I say now...
Joey IS NOT a morning child either! We work in the summer, but it doesn't help. Next year is MS for him, 7:30 AM start vs. 8:35 start. YIKES! (Keith...)
Surf & Turf in bed?! I'm impressed!
I wondered what that would involve myself, AM...
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