I think the block at row 7, block 1 (from the left) needs to be swapped, but with what? And 6-9 is out of place too, but what block belongs there?
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Random thoughts about life in my house: things that happen and struggles of being a parent to a brilliant daughter and to an autistic son.
I've done this with my wife many times.
There seems to be a great deal of agonizing over that final arrangement of blocks and the lingering doubt afterwards.
I think you're looking good. Those final block swaps are for your sake only. Everyone else will love it either way.
Of course it's just wonderful the way it is, but I do see your point. I would consider taking the 7-1 block and moving it up to, say 3-9. it won't "go" there, but it might be a fun bright spot of light. Obviously, it might also tank--you would just have to see.
I like the way the lightest sections are congregated together and then sort of trickle out. Here's one set of switches you might try, and see how it works: Move 4-7 to 3-8, move 7-1 to 4-7, 8-1 to 7-1, and 3-8 to 8-1.
I think 6-9 is fine.
I like it how it is. Pretty wonderful.
I am not a quilter, but I think it looks really nice...the colors are all great together.
Michele sent me!
I have been wanting to make a one-block wonder quilt, and would probably have the same design question you have! Have you tried putting blocks of similar colors (i.e., green) up in one corner, spilling out, then maybe the light blocks in the middle, then going to red at the other corner, blending as you go? Does this make sense, LOL?
JoAnn in Oregon
Add 11 big white sticks at the bottom of the quilt and call it a "Pinwheel Quilt".
I like the way the colors move across the quilt at an angle. Michele sent me to say Hi! I just read Home to Holly Springs!
If it were mine, I would try putting the dark reds in the lower left corner, then the greens in the center and move the whites/lights to the upper right. Or try it the way Joann in Oregon suggested. But as others have said, there is always something you can do to change it and you just have to quit at some point and say you're done.
Lynne in Florida
Good grief, it's fantastic as it is! I wouldn't even have known you were not pleased with it if you hadn't said anything..
So glad there are people like you to make these beautiful quilts since I would go stark raving mad trying to do that kind of work.
Nice blocks. Sewing them together like you have them in the photo would be great. I particularly like the way you have arranged the green.
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