Over the weekend I finally finished that monster Girl Scout vest I'd had for months, the one with about 70 patches to sew on. It is such a relief to be done with that. I've officially raised my rates to $35 per year, up from $25. It is just too much stress with some of these girls and all the patches they earn. Some girls just bring their vests by once a year, but others have many sets of patches several times a year. I've been told by several parents it's still a deal and they don't mind paying me more.
The quilt top for Mom's quilt is all in one piece now. I need to trim up some edges and seams, but the important thing is that it's done, or whole, or in one piece, you get the picture. I need to unregister it for our guild's quilt show next month, however. There is no way I can get it quilted to my satisfaction by the 20th. I have two finished off my other two entries as well, which are a lot closer to done, so the third quilt, just ain't happenin'.
Kevin participated in the Special Olympics basketball qualifier on Saturday. He does the Skills event; the other events are 5v5 and 3v3. One of the coaches told me they want Kevin to move toward the 3v3 team events, but he just doesn't have the wherewithal to comprehend defense and competition for the team events. This year Special Olympics has a new event, a transition 3v3 team, with two special athletes and one player-coach, who is in the same age group as the athletes. These player-coaches play in the games but cannot shoot. What basketball-loving teenager, who is willing to help, will be able to hold back on shooting when they have the ball? Our coaches haven't found anyone yet, so they are unable to field a team, but they want Kevin to participate when they do.
Kevin brought home a gold medal for his basketball skills in his age group! The state games are in March, I believe the same weekend as our guild's quilt show. Go figure.
1 week ago
Congratulations to Kevin! I love Special Olympics and have enjoyed working at local games several times. blessings, marlene
GO KEVIN!! And GO ANNE!! for your cottage industry. Now if you only earned enough at it to pay all my bills, then all would be right with the world.
Very cool for Kevin. As one who does not sew, trust, if I had a child who was in a paramilitary youth organization and needed patches sewed on her vest all the time I would SOOOO pay large sums for someone else to do it. Talk about tapping into a market.
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