Seventy-five percent of the Anneshousehold were starting new classes yesterday. Fern was to start gymnastics, Dan was to start his 05:00 fitness boot camp class, and I was supposed to start two new programs.
The gym here at work has a partner program where they match you up with someone with your same goals and schedule. I'd been matched up with "Donna" a couple weeks ago but because of vacations, etc., yesterday was the first day we were to get together, meet, and go the the "On the Ball" class at 12:40 to 1:25.
I woke up at 6:00 for my three-mile walk, a couple pounds over the Mendoza line (again, sheesh!), and realized Dan was still in bed. He totally missed his first day of class.
At 12:30 I headed down to the gym for the ball class. I dislike gym aerobic classes for the most part because of my clumsiness and if I'm not there from the class conception, I have that lost feeling when everyone else knows the language of the class and I don't. I put on my gym clothes and my brave face and headed to the exercise room. The instructor is also the guy doing the partner matching so I introduced myself. Donna was a no-show. Grrrrr.
The ball class was good, challenging workout without being too advanced. The instructor said I did well. I'll go back next week.
After work I got ready to take Fern to her gymnastics class. It is scheduled to be an hour, 7:15-8:15. As luck would have it, there is a deep water aerobics class scheduled at the same time on the other side of the building. I signed up for it so I didn't have an idle hour.
After Fern reported for her class I headed to the locker room to change into my swim suit. My class was supposed to be 7:30-8:15. We didn't even get into the water until 8:00. Sheesh.
Well, it's understandable really, the instructor went over all the administration stuff first. She'll provide float belts and barbells for two weeks and expects us to bring our own after that. We can order a set from her for $40. I looked on eBay this morning and was surprised that $40 is reasonable.
I got my belt on and got in the water. The assistant instructor gave us warm-ups to do while everyone else got fitted. That's when I noticed how many of my classmates were clinging to the wall of the 13.5' deep pool. With float belts on. You signed up for a class called Deep Water Aerobics and you're afraid of deep water, what were you thinking?
Anyway, I was plenty sore when I woke up today. The water class was good too. I'm glad I'm taking it. It was nice chatting with the other women and it will be interesting to observe my classmates' comfort levels grow over the next weeks.
When Fern was finished with her class she sat in the natatorium and waited for me. She babbled happily on about her class while I got dressed and complained her back hurt. She tried a back bend into a bridge even though she hadn't done one for years. Silly girl.
On the way home we stopped at Chick-fil-A for fries and a coke.
5 weeks ago
I'm exhausted just reading it all!
Yes, but I've been to all of the rest of the classes. So there!
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