Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekend Stuff

It's been a week since I posted. Sheesh.

The kids had a busy weekend: Kevin had Special Olympics swim team practice Friday, Fern had ice skating practice on Saturday and a show-competition on Sunday. I got to see her first event before I drove Kevin to another swim practice. She didn't skate as well as she did at the previous competition. Hopefully she'll do better at Districts.

Sunday night Dan's sister called to tell us Dan's mom died. It wasn't unexpected, but it was sudden. This is the first death in the family Fern has been aware of and she's having a very rough time of it all. She wants to be with her cousin but the services won't be until Friday and she's having a hard time grieving by herself.

Pictures I Dug Up for the Occasion

Dan's family reunion 2003:

Reunion 2004:

Reunion 2006:
I think everyone wants Kevin to turn around.

I can't find any group pictures after that, but come to think about it, I'm not sure we posed for group shots at the reunions since then. Here's Jeanne in 2006, may she rest in peace:


just me said...

Sorry to hear of your family's loss. If Fern needs someone to talk to, E can probably help. She lost both of her grandmothers and her two great-grandmothers when she was 10-12 years old. It's hard.

May your MIL's memory come to be a blessing.

Mom said...

Grandmothers are very special. Hugs to all of you

AM Kingsfield said...

Great reunion pictures. Looks like your Mother-in-law was quite the matriarch. Blessings on the whole clan.

Keith Rittenhouse said...

My sympathy for Dan & his family. I hope Fern can make sense of it too. I understand......